Japan's government in flux after election gives no party majority
As mandated by the constitution, the parties now have 30 days to figure out a grouping that can govern
Mon Oct 28 2024
Shinzo Abe bakal diumumkan PM Jepun yang baru
Pemimpin konservatif Jepun Shinzo Abe bakal dinobatkan sebagai Perdana Menteri Jepun selepas beliau dilihat lebih agresif memperjuangkan kestabilan ekonomi serta ketegasan diplomasi.
Wed Dec 26 2012

Hawkish Abe to be named Japan's next prime minister
Japan's conservative leader Shinzo Abe is to be named as the country's new prime minister Wednesday, after he swept to power on a hawkish platform of getting tough on diplomacy
Wed Dec 26 2012

Japan moves right as conservatives win big in polls
Voters dumped Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda three years after his Democratic Party of Japan promised a change from more than half a century of almost unbroken rule by the Liberal Democratic Party.
Mon Dec 17 2012
LDP bakal kembali berkuasa di Jepun
Keputusan awal menunjukkan LDP mendapat mandat besar apabila berjaya meraih 300 daripada 480 kerusi dewan rendah yang dipertandingkan.
Sun Dec 16 2012

Yoshihiko Noda, letak jawatan pemimpin Parti Demokratik Jepun
Prestasi buruk DPJ kali ini menyaksikan kehilangan lebih separuh kerusi parlimen apabila parti pembangkang Parti Demokratik Liberal menang antara 275 hingga 300 kerusi bagi 480 kerusi dewan rendah.
Sun Dec 16 2012

Japan votes in poll likely to eject ruling party
Media surveys show the Liberal Democratic Party on course for a convincing victory in the lower-house election.
Sun Dec 16 2012

Japan PM to dissolve parliament, call elections
Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda was poised to dissolve Japan's parliament Friday with elections to be called next month.
Fri Nov 16 2012
Japan central bank ups asset buys to aid economy
Japan's central bank expanded a government bond-buying program acting to spur growth.
Tue Oct 30 2012
Japan approves new stimulus for ailing economy
Japan's Cabinet approved a 423 billion yen economic stimulus package, moving to fend off recession.
Fri Oct 26 2012